Chapter 2
Lumber Grade
Chapter 2: Lumber Grade
The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) uses a standard lumber grading system that assesses how much variation in natural color and character the unfinished hardwood flooring has.
In chapter 2, we’ll learn more about how the grading system works and compare the four lumber grades.

What is Lumber Grading?
This grading system is only based on the appearance of the wood, and is not an indicator of quality. Strong and durable hardwood flooring is made from lumber with any of these grades, and the system has strict requirements on what types of imperfections are permissible.
To make the grade, any knots, streaks and holes cannot compromise the strength and soundness of the flooring product.

What is Lumber Grading?

#2 Common
Sound natural variations and manufacturing imperfections create a hardwood floor with a lot of character and visual contrast.

#1 Common
Hardwood floors feature noticeable variations in color and a variety of natural wood characteristics.

Variations in the hardwood flooring are less prominent and are primarily a result of the natural color differences in the inner (heartwood) and outer (sapwood) parts of the log.

This grade provides the most uniform overall look in a finished hardwood floor, with minimal character marks and discoloration. Products with a Clear grade are usually premium-priced.
Credit: National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA)